A  B  O  U  T

C U L T U R A L  D I P L O M A T S   [ C D ] 

is being built up as a globally oriented 'Intercultural Development Organization': neutral and independent online | offline networking integration, agora convocation, platform generation, and project groups coordination, based on think-tank, advisory council, and counseling functions.

In the field of cultures and arts CD acts as a global nexus hub offering the coordination of polylateral communication and collaboration as well as facilitation of transdisciplinary discourse and intercultural governance capacity building in societal | international political cultures.

Connecting cultural identities and diversity, founding liaisons between avantgardes and societal worlds, CD can be definded as facilitator, mentor, mediator, incubator, inspirator, activator, advocator, and|or transformer, in order to inspire, to encourage, and to engage for the co-creative infinity and the improvement of excellence by deepening cultural capacity exchange and developing creative synergy expansion in a global space of free wil.

In contrast to the trend of globalizing systems and their impact on actual cultural constellations in the world - cultural differences minorization or partial homogenization by assimilation to dominant cultures - CD inspires and advocates for

  • free individual, self- | critical, inclusive understanding between cultural shapers
  • knowledge-conductive perception of cultural ideas, forms, and essentials
  • creative, polylateral, transdisciplinary discourse, cognitive and emotional internalization
  • providing | inspiring debates of cultural politics: inclusivity, hybridity, universality etc
  • concordance processing by mutual internalization of cultural identity expression
  • intercultural common ground and cross-cultural consciousness | mindset development

CD pursues the delighting correlation and orchestration of spiritual and esthetic expression of societal | international political cultures as a decisive force of humane future development. CD proactively strives to facilitate and to shape the inter- | societal impact of cultures and arts as a mind and soul constituting key to the present and future governance | world order formation: 

'Soft power' being finally the strongest and most sustainig one - being the common ground of cultural 'meta power' generation, the structural mindset as guideline of creative peaceful interaction in the 'social anthropocen' as a real humane human age of farsighted wisdom implementation and transformational processing.

CD's central vision and target is to enhance and to enforce the civility of interhuman and intersocietal action being guided by the consciousness of global interdependence and universal interconnectedness of human hearts, minds, and souls. 


"Il n'y a que deux puissances au monde, le sabre et l'esprit: 

à la longue, le sabre est toujours vaincu par l'esprit."

"Es gibt zwei Kräfte in der Welt, das Schwert und den Geist:

Am Ende wird das Schwert durch den Geist besiegt."

"There are two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit:

In the end, the sword is defeated by the spirit."  



I D E N T I T Y  A N D   D I V E R S I T Y:

C O N N E C T I N G  H U M A N S'

M I N D  A N D  S O U L

C U L T U R A L    D I P L O M A T S

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